HLB Makary Consulting is a financial, economic and market advisory firm with large experience in the Egyptian market and with regional experience in Africa and Arab Countries. The firm was established in 1999 and founders were involved in the consultation business since 1980.

Who we are
HLB Makary Consulting is a well-established market, financial, and economic advisory firm since 1999. A World Bank, International Financial Corporation (IFC), KFW (German Development Bank), UN registered consultant. In August 2012, the company joined HLB International, a world-wide network of independent professional accounting firms and business advisers, formed in 1969, comprising member firms in 153 countries, and ranked among the 12 largest international networks of accounting firms and business advisers world-wide. Over its 50-year history, HLB International member firms have developed a comprehensive range of services and expertise, servicing multi-national clients across all industry sectors, combining local expertise with a powerful international capability.
HLB Makary Consulting provides independent services to a diversified range of clients such as; International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and donors such as World Bank, USAID, UNICEF, GIZ/GTZ, IFC, KFW, CIDA, EIB, EU, UNDP, AFDB, and UNIDO; Ministries, public institutions and public companies; Private and multinational companies.
Provide independent professional service to meet client’s objectives, while ensuring integrity and careful investigation.
Develop and sustain the image and reputation of providing trustable, independent, and timely advice through developing our skills, enhancing our procedures, and ensuring commitment and dedication.
Core Values
We act for the benefit of our clients placing their interest before us. Each advising assignment is approached through developing a thorough understanding of client’s needs, and investigating business and industry norms and practices to establish specific and achievable objectives. We strive to propose well fit recommendations according to clients’ objectives, mandates, constraints and strategy.
HLB Makary Consulting is one of the pioneers to strictly abide by the CFA Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. Respecting the duty of loyalty to clients and dealing equally and objectively with all clients is our core value. Private information is kept strictly confidential bounded by confidentiality and independence agreements.
Work Process
HLB Makary Consulting is heavily involved in business analysis and planning, and is bound by its advisory relationship with clients to provide them with informative decision making. Process includes data collection, screening, interpretation, and analysis, as well as report writing and recommendations for action plans. The firm’s key edge lies in thorough and rational analysis, capitalizing on long track experience, value judgment of key experts, and deep understanding of key business parameters.
HLB Makary Consulting realizes the importance of the quality of output, and hence possesses a specialized quality control department responsible for thorough review of each study, to be ultimately reviewed by senior management who ensure timely delivery and quality of output. The firm was audited by HLB International before being chosen as its representative office to be engaged in financial, market and economic consultation.